Cider Mill Season Has Ended, I Want a Cinnabon!

Autumn is my favorite season. The leaves are changing color, the weather turns cooler, and the Cider Mills are busy with people looking for hot donuts, crisp Apple Cider, and fresh air.

Apple Orchards are perfect for families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the activities take place outside making it easy to practice social distancing, especially if you go early enough. Our family was all set to make the trek to the cider mill when we tripped up and found a Cinnabon truck!

Most of us remember Cinnabon from walking around the mall. I have so many memories getting those yummy cinnamon buns with the warm icing. What a joy it was to find the Cinnabon truck sitting in the parking lot!

The Cinnabon truck is located on 23300 Ford Road  in Dearborn Heights. It is the second Cinnabon truck in the country, with the other one esconced in California. All of the yummy delights that we’ve all come to know and love are available on the truck, including the pecan bon. The pecan bon is extra yummy with the regular Cinnabon topped with warm caramel and pecans with a hint of salt on them.

The hours are pretty cool too as they are open from 10 AM – 10 PM. The kiddos loved it and the hubby and I felt so nostalgic as we took bite after bite! So hop on over and check them out today!

Achieving Work Life Balance in a COVID-19 World

Photo by cottonbro on

Times have changed. For years, I sought more flexibility in my professional career. Before COVID-19 happened, most employers were against the working from home revolution. Excuses given included that it didn’t work, that people needed to be together working as a team, and that they thought most people were home eating bon-bons and watching tv instead of working. 

It’s interesting to see how a global pandemic changes things.

According to a Gallup article, in mid-April, more than 62% of the workforce are working remotely. Thanks to VPN and Microsoft SharePoint, everyone can access their files and work efficiently. Meetings are being held via Microsoft Teams or Zoom, and everyone is learning how to be more collaborative in their work habits.  People have organized their work areas and relish the idea that they can work in peace and quiet without being interrupted by their co-workers during the day. For the most part, things are moving smoothly as they can.

Unless you’re a parent.

Working at home while the kids are virtual learning at home as it’s own challenges. From the time my little ones get up until the time they go to bed, they are a handful. I have found a few ways that help me successfully work remotely while the kids are at home.

Organization is Key

Don’t get me wrong. This is not the time to be a Drill Sargeant (at least not in my house). For the summer, I assign my kids three tasks to get done during the day. Each child has to complete an academic activity; whether that’s using an educational app, working on a few pages in the summer packet from the school, or reading a book. I add in a chore that’s age-appropriate and a task that doesn’t require using electronics for good measure. In addition, our family has chosen to learn American Sign Language (ASL) together, courtesy of Dr. Bill Vicars. We need to practice the language every day, so I always try to find a creative and fun way to get it all in.

Take Breaks

Here’s where I falter in my plans. Often I find myself sitting in front of the computer for hours at a time. I always plan to get up and walk away from the computer and next thing I know I am literally working through lunch. I’m not alone, I noticed that my colleagues are doing the same thing. And when we do take a break, it usually involves stressing out our eyes by searching the Internet. Instead of sitting in the front of the computer, get up and take a walk around the neighborhood, water the garden, or read a book. You’ll find that it adds positivity to your day.

Build in Play Time

“Mommy, are you done working yet?” It’s a common question that I get during the day. And it’s a question that I ignored because I was so focused on getting all of my work done, especially when I had a an impending due date. However, I learned I was doing the same thing that I was doing when I worked outside the home. It’s a great feeling to be super productive at work, but it’s also wonderful to have work-life balance where you pour the same amount of effort into family time. I take advantage of lunch time or start earlier a few days in the week so that I can step away and play a game or read a book with my kids.

It isn’t perfect, but these suggestions are definitely a step in the right direction towards a healthy work-life balance. I’d love to hear how you are establishing a work-life balance in your homes! Share your feedback below!